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- Bonnie Grubman -
20.47 EUR 21.55 EUR
Bonnie Grubman Walter And Willy And The False Note
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Bonnie Grubman
EAN: 9781605377124
Categoria: Libri e riviste

A funny story about following dreams, telling the truth, and discovering what you’re good at. For best friends ages 5 years and up.\n\n\nWilly wants to play a part in a musical, but his voice is kind of shrill, not really in tune, and . . . quite horrible. Should Walter be honest? He hates hurting his friend’s feelings. And how would Willy react?

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Bonnie Grubman in Libri e riviste

- Peter Shapiro;dean Budnick -
20.18 EUR 21.24 EUR
Peter Shapiro;dean Budnick The Music Never Stops: What Putting On 10,000 Shows Has Taught Me About Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Magic
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Peter Shapiro;dean Budnick
EAN: 9780306833304
Categoria: Libri e riviste

The engrossing, insightful, and personal musical odyssey of Peter Shapiro, perhaps the most notable independent concert promoter since Bill Graham\n\nPeter Shapiro is the best known and most influential concert promoter of his generation. He owned the legendary Wetlands in Tribeca and has gone on to much bigger things, including Brooklyn Bowl (NYC, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, and Nashville), the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, producing U2 3D, and promoting the Grateful Dead's fiftieth-anniversary tour (\"Fare Thee Well\") featuring the Core Four and Trey Anastasio . . . and so much more.\n\nIn The Music Never Stops, Shapiro shares the inside story of how he became a power-house in the music industry-an island in an increasingly consolidated landscape of venues, ticketing, and touring-through the lens of fifty iconic concerts. Along the way, readers gain insight into what it was like to work with some of the most celebrated bands in modern music, including not just the Grateful Dead and U2, but also Bob Dylan, Phish, Dave Matthews Band, Al Green, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Jason Isbell, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, The Roots, Robert Plant, Leonard Cohen, and many more.\n\nFeaturing never-before-published back-stage anecdotes, insights, and photographs of the biggest bands in the business and the concerts that later became legendary, The Music Never Stops is a perfect guide for any-one who wants to understand the modern live music industry.

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Peter Shapiro;dean Budnick in Libri e riviste

- -- -
42.90 EUR
Kimbo Macinato Fresco 300 Cialde Filtro Cart.ese Best Price
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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19.99 EUR
2 Cd Doppio Cd Milva La Rossa Best Of 40 Successi
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- Pop Press -
10.68 EUR 11.24 EUR
Pop Press What Would Dave Grohl Do?: Uplifting Advice From The Nicest Guy In Rock & Roll
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Pop Press
EAN: 9781529933307
Categoria: Libri e riviste

‘I love being the guy headlining rock festivals with grey hair and wrinkles.’\n\nBesides being the Foo Fighters’ frontman and the drummer in Nirvana, Dave Grohl is perhaps best known as the nicest guy in rock and roll.\n\nFrom rocking out with musical heroes like Kurt Cobain and Paul McCartney to selling out the biggest arenas on the planet despite performing with a broken leg, Dave approaches everything he does with passion and infectious energy.\n\nIn ‘Times Like These’ we can all rely on Dave Grohl to remind us of the power of friendship, creativity and good, old-fashioned rock and roll.

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Pop Press in Libri e riviste

- Amy Sparkes -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Amy Sparkes The Repair Shop Stories: The Singing Bear
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Amy Sparkes
EAN: 9781529504781
Categoria: Libri e riviste

A heart-warming family tale based on the real story of a musical teddy bear, featured on best-loved TV show, The Repair Shop. Sue has always longed for a sister so when her parents tell her they are adopting a little girl from Hong Kong she is over the moon with excitement. When Kwai arrives, her new surroundings feel strange and unfamiliar and, despite Sue's attempts to help, Kwai finds it difficult to settle into her new home. Then, one day, Sue has a wonderful idea and buys Kwai a very special gift - a musical teddy bear - that Kwai falls in love with instantly. For Kwai, the bear represents the start of her life in the UK and now, in The Repair Shop, Kwai hopes that the team can restore the beloved bear for her to relive the treasured memories from her childhood.

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Amy Sparkes in Libri e riviste

- Holly Van Leuven -
26.12 EUR 27.49 EUR
Holly Van Leuven Ray Bolger: More Than A Scarecrow
Brand: Holly Van Leuven
EAN: 9780190639044
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Best remembered for his role as the Scarecrow in the 1939 MGM musical The Wizard of Oz, Ray Bolger led a rich and extraordinary career in the decade before and more than four decades after the creation of the film. Ray Bolger: More Than a Scarecrow is the first biography of this classic American entertainer, covering the luminous and forgotten career of the eccentric dancer outside of his burlap mask. \n\nThe product of a fragmented, working-class Boston Irish family, Bolger learned tap and eccentric dance steps as solace for a difficult life before running away to repertory theater and Vaudeville. From there, he would go on to become a Broadway star, a contract player at Hollywood's major studios, one of the first performers to tour the South Pacific for the USO, a Tony Award winner, an early sitcom star, and the opening headliner of the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas. \n\nUsing unprecedented access to Bolger's papers and many never-before-published photographs, Ray Bolger: More Than a Scarecrow pieces together the lost story of an itinerant hoofer who survived and thrived during the major media changes of the twentieth century and established himself as a staple of American pop culture.

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Holly Van Leuven in Libri e riviste

- -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Audition Songs For Women
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9781848424579
Categoria: Libri e riviste

THE GOOD AUDITION GUIDES:\n\nHelping you select and perform the audition piece that is best suited to your performing skills\n\n\n\nIf you're auditioning for a musical – or needing to choose a song to perform for an exam, showcase or drama-school application – it's vital you find a song that shows off your voice and reveals your full potential as both a singer and an actor.\n\n\n\nIn this invaluable book, you'll find comprehensive introductions to fifty of the best songs from musical theatre, for soprano, mezzosoprano and alto voices, and in a variety of periods, styles, genres and tempos. Each song comes with detailed textual, vocal and musical analysis, and a practical performance guide to ensure you perform it to maximum effect in your own unique way.\n\n\n\nDrawing on his experience as a performer, musical director and teacher at several leading drama schools, Paul Harvard gives his top tips for performing each song, note by note, moment by moment. He also recommends soundtrack recordings to inspire you, and tells you where to find the correct sheet music for your chosen song (please note: the book does not contain the sheet music itself).\n\n\n\nThe selection includes songs from acclaimed contemporary musicals such as In the Heights by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Songs for a New World by Jason Robert Brown, as well as Next to Normal, Miss Saigon, The Color Purple, Sister Act and Ragtime – alongside much-loved classics like The Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Anything Goes, and five of Sondheim's masterpieces.\n\n\n\nAlso included is an extensive introduction to the process of choosing your song, preparing your performance and approaching the audition itself, along with many vocal and acting exercises to improve your technique and boost your confidence.\n\n\n\n'For anyone wishing to do justice to a musical-theatre role, and definitely for those wishing to work in this genre, this guide is a must' Teaching Drama Magazine on Paul Harvard's bestselling book Acting Through Song

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in Libri e riviste

- Stuart Isacoff -
13.05 EUR 13.74 EUR
Stuart Isacoff Temperament
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Stuart Isacoff
EAN: 9780571234462
Categoria: Libri e riviste

The piano is the best loved of musical instruments, thanks in part to the elegant symmetrical design of its ivory and ebony keyboard that ensures each pitch is reliably equidistant from the next. But this 'equal temperament' tuning was once a hugely controversial notion. It is difficult now to imagine the keyboard as other than it is; yet this was precisely what many European musicians practising before the nineteenth century demanded of their instruments. For hundreds of years, musicians, craftsmen, church officials, heads of state and philosophers fought heatedly against the introduction of 'equal temperament' tuning.\n\nStuart Isacoff hereby recounts this great battle over the best way to create music - a battle that culminated in the destruction of the harpsichord and the emergence, from its flames, of the piano. Why the resistance to equal temperament lasted so long, and how it was finally overcome, is a story that encompasses crucial elements of Western culture - social history, religion, philosophy, science, economic development - in a period when Europe was struggling to give birth to the modern age.

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Stuart Isacoff in Libri e riviste

- Dag Jansson -
130.62 EUR 137.5 EUR
Dag Jansson Leading Musically
Brand: Dag Jansson
EAN: 9781138058781
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Musical leadership is associated with a specific profession—the conductor—as well as being a colloquial metaphor for human communication and cooperation at its best. This book examines what musical leadership is, by delving into the choral conductor role, what goes on in the music-making moment and what it takes to do it well. One of the unique features of the musical ensemble is the simultaneity of collective discipline and individual expression. Music is therefore a potent laboratory for understanding the leadership act in the space between leader and team. The musical experience is used to shed light on leading and following more broadly, by linking it to themes such as authority, control, empowerment, intersubjectivity, sensemaking and charisma. Jansson develops the argument that musical leadership involves the combination of strong power and deep sensitivity, a blend that might be equally valid in other leadership domains. Aesthetic knowledge and musical perception therefore offer untapped potential for leadership and organisational development outside the art domain.

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Dag Jansson in Libri e riviste

- Inna Faliks -
29.69 EUR 31.25 EUR
Inna Faliks Weight In The Fingertips: A Musical Odyssey From Soviet Ukraine To The World Stage
Brand: Inna Faliks
EAN: 9781493071746
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Before she knew she was Ukranian, Soviet, or Jewish, Inna Faliks knew she was a musician. Growing up in the city of Odessa, the piano became her best friend, and she explored the brilliant, intricate puzzles of Bach’s Goldberg Variations and learned to compose under her mother’s watchful eye. At ten, Faliks and her parents moved to Chicago as part of the tide of Jewish refugees who fled the USSR for the West in the 1980s. During the months-long immigration process, she would silently practice on kitchen tables while imagining a full set of piano keys beneath her fingertips. \n\nIn Weight in the Fingertips, Faliks gives a globe-trotting account of her upbringing as a child prodigy in a Soviet state, the perils of immigration, the struggle of assimilating as an American, years of training with teachers, and her slow and steady rise in the world of classical music. With a warm and playful style, she helps non-musicians understand the experience of becoming a world-renowned concert pianist. The places she grew up, the books she read, the poems she memorized as a child all connect to her sound at the piano, and the way she hears and shapes a musical phrase illuminate classical music and elite performance. She also explores how a person’s humanity makes their art honest and their voice unique, and how the life-long challenge of retaining that voice is fueled by a balance between being a great musician and being a human being. Throughout, Faliks provides powerful insights into the role of music in a world of conflict, change, and hope for a better tomorrow.

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- Terrence Mcnally;fred Ebb -
13.05 EUR 13.74 EUR
Terrence Mcnally;fred Ebb Kiss Of The Spider Woman
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Terrence Mcnally;fred Ebb
EAN: 9780573695490
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Characters: 15 male, 3 female Scenery: Interior Winner of multiple Tony Awards including Best Musical, Kiss of the Spider Woman revamps a harrowing tale of persecution into a dazzling spectacle that juxtaposes gritty realities with liberating fantasies. Cell mates in a Latin American prison, Valentin is a tough revolutionary undergoing torture and Molina is an unabashed homosexual serving eight years for deviant behavior. Molina shares his fantasies about an actress, Aurora (originated on Broadway by Chita Rivera) with Valentin. One of her roles is a Spider Woman who kills with a kiss. \"Thrilling.\"-- N.Y. Times. \"Compelling, beautiful, funny and moving...[Has] a cinematic fluidity and a poetic charge.\"-- N.Y. Daily News. \"Creates an entire world out of a prison cell...Dazzling.\"-- Newsweek.

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Terrence Mcnally;fred Ebb in Libri e riviste

- Jeff Apter -
24.15 EUR 25.42 EUR
Jeff Apter Friday On My Mind
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Jeff Apter
EAN: 9781760875107
Categoria: Libri e riviste

George Young wasn't so much on the charts for the best part of three decades: he and his musical partner Harry Vanda were the charts. \n\nGeorge's journey began with the trailblazing Easybeats and continued, alongside Harry, as producer/songwriter for hire with John Paul Young, The Angels, Rose Tattoo, Cheetah, Ted Mulry, Stevie Wright and, most crucially, AC/DC. George and Harry also struck gold with Flash and the Pan, almost by accident.\n\nGeorge Young helped create such classics as 'Friday on My Mind', 'Sorry', 'Love is in the Air', 'Evie', 'Yesterday's Hero', 'Down Among the Dead Men', 'Hey, St. Peter', 'Bad Boy for Love', 'Jailbreak' and 'It's a Long Way to the Top'. In 2001, APRA voted 'Friday on My Mind' the best and most significant Australian song of the past 75 years.\n\nIn this long-overdue book, the first to focus exclusively on the life and work of George Young, writer Jeff Apter explores George's long and fruitful association with Harry; his rare ability to maintain a stable married life with his wife Sandra; and his handshake deal with Ted Albert that helped create a music empire. The book also reveals such little-known events as the accident that almost killed off 'Hey, St. Peter' before its release, and the tragedy that bonded George and Harry for life.

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Jeff Apter in Libri e riviste

- Eri Hotta -
32.01 EUR 33.69 EUR
Eri Hotta Suzuki: The Man And His Dream To Teach The Children Of The World
Brand: Eri Hotta
EAN: 9780674238237
Categoria: Libri e riviste

A New Yorker Best Book of the Year\n\nThe remarkable life of violinist and teacher Shinichi Suzuki, who pioneered an innovative but often-misunderstood philosophy of early childhood education-now known the world over as the Suzuki Method.\n\nThe name Shinichi Suzuki is synonymous with early childhood musical education. By the time of his death in 1998, countless children around the world had been taught using his methods, with many more to follow. Yet Suzuki's life and the evolution of his educational vision remain largely unexplored. A committed humanist, he was less interested in musical genius than in imparting to young people the skills and confidence to learn.\n\nEri Hotta details Suzuki's unconventional musical development and the emergence of his philosophy. She follows Suzuki from his youth working in his father's Nagoya violin factory to his studies in interwar Berlin, the beginnings of his teaching career in 1930s Tokyo, and the steady flourishing of his practice at home and abroad after the Second World War. As Hotta shows, Suzuki's aim was never to turn out disciplined prodigies but rather to create a world where all children have the chance to develop, musically and otherwise. Undergirding his pedagogy was an unflagging belief that talent, far from being an inborn quality, is cultivated through education. Moreover, Suzuki's approach debunked myths of musical nationalism in the West, where many doubted that Asian performers could communicate the spirit of classical music rooted in Europe.\n\nSuzuki touched the world through a pedagogy founded on the conviction that all children possess tremendous capacity to learn. His story offers not only a fresh perspective on early childhood education but also a gateway to the fraught history of musical border-drawing and to the makings of a globally influential life in Japan's tumultuous twentieth century.

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Eri Hotta in Libri e riviste

- -
13.05 EUR 13.74 EUR
Fun Home
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9780573704574
Categoria: Libri e riviste

WINNER! Best Musical - 2015 Tony(R) Awards!\nWINNER! Best Score (Jeanine Tesori & Lisa Kron) - 2015 Tony(R) Awards!\nWINNER! Best Book of a Musical (Lisa Kron) - 2015 Tony(R) Awards!\nWINNER! BEST MUSICAL - New York Drama Critics' Circle Award, Obie Award, Lucille Lortel Award, Outer Critics Circle Award, Off-Broadway Alliance Award\nFINALIST! The Pulitzer Prize for DramaWhen her father dies unexpectedly, graphic novelist Alison dives deep into her past to tell the story of the volatile, brilliant, one-of-a-kind man whose temperament and secrets defined her family and her life. Moving between past and present, Alison relives her unique childhood playing at the family's Bechdel Funeral Home, her growing understanding of her own sexuality, and the looming, unanswerable questions about her father's hidden desires. Fun Home is a refreshingly honest, wholly original musical about seeing your parents through grown-up eyes.

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14.90 EUR
3 Cd Cesare Cremonini - 2c2c - The Best Of I Successi Il Meglio Nuovo Sigillato
Spedizione: 4.80 EUR

Brand: --
- Lang Leav -
11.87 EUR 12.49 EUR
Lang Leav Lullabies
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Lang Leav
EAN: 9781449461072
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Set to a musical theme, love's poetic journey in this new, original collection begins with a Prelude and travels through Duet, Interlude, and Requiem with an Encore popular piece from the best-selling Love & Misadventure. Lang Leav's evocative poetry speaks to the soul of anyone who is on this journey.\n\n Leav has an unnerving ability to see inside the hearts and minds of her readers. Her talent for translating complex emotions with astonishing simplicity has won her a cult following of devoted fans from all over the world.\n\n Lang Leav is a poet and internationally exhibiting artist.\n\n * Huge Crossover Audience: Hits the sweet spot of YA/Adult crossover appeal hitting both the teen fiction and love poetry bestseller lists at multiple online retailers. This is the perfect keepsake book for fans of Haruki Murakami, David Levithan, John Green, and Jenny Han.\n * Untapped potential:Leav has achieved a considerable amount of success with just her online profile (more than 150,000 Tumblr subscribers and 67,000+ Facebook fans; 374K Instagram followers and 214K Twitter followers). Her popularity has grown exponentially as fans share favourite poems with each other online.\n * UK Sales of Love & Misadventure 26K+ copies to date and growing

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Lang Leav in Libri e riviste

- Jessica Courtney Tickle -
20.18 EUR 21.24 EUR
Jessica Courtney Tickle The Story Orchestra: The Planets: Press The Note To Hear Holst's Music
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Jessica Courtney Tickle
EAN: 9780711289161
Categoria: Libri e riviste

*GOOD HOUSEKEEPING USA BEST KIDS BOOK AWARD 2023 WINNER*\n\n Discover the spellbinding magic of The Planets in this musical reimagining of one of Holst’s most famous suites.Push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Holst’s score.\n\n This tale is about a brother and sister who adventure deep into our solar system. Our story begins one night as Helen and Tim get ready for bed in their new space rocket bunk beds… but sleep will have to wait as they magically blast up, up, up into the glittering night sky, leaving planet Earth far below them.\n  \nHelen and Tim journey here, there and everywhere through our majestic solar system. They soar past the cold rocky surface of Mars as it rises into towering peaks and plunges into deep canyons and glide through a bumpy asteroid belt made of icy rocks. They blast deeper into our solar system, exploring the dazzling stars and astounding planets along the way. \n  \nBut now it really is time to head home! As the rocket speeds towards Earth, Tim and Helen watch the sun rise over their planet.\n  \n As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the score. Readers should press firmly on the pages to activate the sounds, encouraging interactive learning and introducing children to this beautiful piece of music.\n\n At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Gustav Holst, with details about his composition of The Planets. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.\n\nThe Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores.\n\nAlso available from the Story Orchestra series: Four Seasons in One Day, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Carnival of the Animals, The Magic Flute, In the Hall of the Mountain King and I Can Play (vol 1).\n\nManufacturer’s note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.\n\nThe perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.

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Jessica Courtney Tickle in Libri e riviste

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19.99 EUR
Caféine Poudre Blanche Pure 100% Caffeine Queen 100g Best Quality 🏋️‍♀️🌟🚀
Spedizione: 4.99 EUR

Brand: --
- Leah Broad -
23.75 EUR 25 EUR
Leah Broad Quartet: How Four Women Changed The Musical World - 'magnificent' (kate Mosse)
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Leah Broad
EAN: 9780571366101
Categoria: Libri e riviste

*SHORTLISTED FOR THE SLIGHTLY FOXED BEST FIRST BIOGRAPHY PRIZE 2023*\n\nThe lives, loves, adventures and trailblazing musical careers of four extraordinary women from a stunning debut biographer.\n\n'Fabulous.' Sunday Times 'A rare gift.' Financial Times 'Passionate ... Vivid ... Timely.' Telegraph 'Readable and inspiring.' Guardian 'Compelling ... Ambitious ... Poignant.' Spectator 'Magnificent.' Kate Mosse 'Riveting.' Antonia Fraser 'A breath of fresh air.' Kate Molleson 'Fascinating.' Alexandra Harris 'Wonderful.' Claire Tomalin 'Splendid.' Miranda Seymour 'Remarkable.' Fiona Maddocks 'Pioneering.' Andrew Motion 'Brilliant' Helen Pankhurst\n\nEthel Smyth (b.1858): Famed for her operas, this trailblazing queer Victorian composer was a larger-than-life socialite, intrepid traveller and committed Suffragette.\n\nRebecca Clarke (b.1886): This talented violist and Pre-Raphaelite beauty was one of the first women ever hired by a professional orchestra, later celebrated for her modernist experimentation.\n\nDorothy Howell (b.1898): A prodigy who shot to fame at the 1919 Proms, her reputation as the 'English Strauss' never dented her modesty; on retirement, she tended Elgar's grave alone.\n\nDoreen Carwithen (b.1922): One of Britain's first woman film composers who scored Elizabeth II's coronation film, her success hid a 20-year affair with her married composition tutor.\n\nIn their time, these women were celebrities. They composed some of the century's most popular music and pioneered creative careers; but today, they are ghostly presences, surviving only as muses and footnotes to male contemporaries like Elgar, Vaughan Williams and Britten - until now.\n\nLeah Broad's magnificent group biography resurrects these forgotten voices, recounting lives of rebellion, heartbreak and ambition, and celebrating their musical masterpieces. Lighting up a panoramic sweep of British history over two World Wars, Quartet revolutionises the canon forever.

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Leah Broad in Libri e riviste

- Joe Jackson -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Joe Jackson A Cure For Gravity: A Musical Pilgrimage
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Joe Jackson
EAN: 9780306810015
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Since the release of his first best-selling album Look Sharp in 1979, Joe Jackson has forged a singular career in music through his originality as a composer and his notoriously independent stance toward music-business fashion. He has also been a famously private person, whose lack of interest in his own celebrity has been interpreted by some as aloofness. That reputation is shattered by A Cure for Gravity , Jackson's enormously funny and revealing memoir of growing up musical, from a culturally impoverished childhood in a rough English port town to the Royal Academy of Music, through London's Punk and New Wave scenes, up to the brink of pop stardom. Jackson describes his life as a teenage Beethoven fanatic his early piano gigs for audiences of glass-throwing skinheads and his days on the road with long-forgotten club bands. Far from a standard-issue celebrity autobiography, A Cure for Gravity is a smart, passionate book about music, the creative process, and coming of age as an artist.

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Joe Jackson in Libri e riviste

- Kevin Winkler -
27.3 EUR 28.74 EUR
Kevin Winkler Everything Is Choreography: The Musical Theater Of Tommy Tune
Brand: Kevin Winkler
EAN: 9780190090739
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Grand Hotel. My One and Only. Nine. The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. A Day in Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine. The Will Rogers Follies. For two decades, Tommy Tune was the maestro presiding over a string of glittering Broadway musicals that took the tradition of complete musical staging by a director-choreographer into a new era defined by spectacle and technology. He was last in a grand lineage led by Jerome Robbins, Gower Champion, Bob Fosse, and Michael Bennett, but also provided a link to a new generation of choreographers-turned-directors like Susan Stroman, Jerry Mitchell, and Casey Nicholaw. \n\nUnlike his fellow director-choreographers, Tune also maintained a successful performing career. His nine Tony Awards (plus a tenth, for Lifetime Achievement) were earned across four categories, not only for choreography and direction, but also as both featured and lead actor in a musical, for Seesaw and My One and Only--a distinction no one else can claim. \n \nTune took the musical forward by looking backward, bringing satiric energy and contemporary style to a trove of show business antecedents--from clog dancing to showgirl formations, from precision kick lines to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers-style ballroom glides. He did the same with his concert and cabaret performances, drawing on classics from the Gershwins, Irving Berlin, and Cole Porter and performing them not as nostalgia but as vital, immediate statements of personal philosophy. \n\nEverything is Choreography: The Musical Theater of Tommy Tune is the first full scale book about the career of this prodigious artist. It celebrates and examines with a critical eye his major projects, and summons for readers a glorious period of dance, performance, and theatrical imagination.

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Kevin Winkler in Libri e riviste

- Stě Sekaninova -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Stě Sekaninova The Stories Of Musical Instruments
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Stě Sekaninova
EAN: 9788000059327
Categoria: Libri e riviste

A comprehensive overview of the origin of the world’s best-known musical instruments, presenting many fascinating facts along the way.\n\nNiccolo the cricket would like to become a musician. But which instrument should he start with? The violin? The guitar? The trumpet? All at once? Well, he does have six limbs, so why not? In any case, Niccolo and his trusty companion Luciano the nightingale travel the world as they learn about musical instruments of all kinds, from simple drums to the most sophisticated church organs. Do you know what didgeridoo, shamisen, or vozembouch are? Would you rather become a member of symphony orchestra or a rock band? Let´s find out! If you are interested in music at least a little, join Niccolo and Luciano and learn the stories of musical instruments along with them.

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Stě Sekaninova in Libri e riviste

- Leah Broad -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Leah Broad Quartet: How Four Women Challenged The Musical World
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Leah Broad
EAN: 9780571366118
Categoria: Libri e riviste

*SHORTLISTED FOR THE SLIGHTLY FOXED BEST FIRST BIOGRAPHY PRIZE 2023*\n\nThe lives, loves, adventures and trailblazing musical careers of four extraordinary women from a stunning debut biographer.\n\n'Fabulous.' Sunday Times 'A rare gift.' Financial Times 'Passionate ... Vivid ... Timely.' Telegraph 'Readable and inspiring.' Guardian 'Compelling ... Ambitious ... Poignant.' Spectator 'Magnificent.' Kate Mosse 'Riveting.' Antonia Fraser 'A breath of fresh air.' Kate Molleson 'Fascinating.' Alexandra Harris 'Wonderful.' Claire Tomalin 'Splendid.' Miranda Seymour 'Remarkable.' Fiona Maddocks 'Pioneering.' Andrew Motion 'Brilliant' Helen Pankhurst\n\nEthel Smyth (b.1858): Famed for her operas, this trailblazing queer Victorian composer was a larger-than-life socialite, intrepid traveller and committed Suffragette.\n\nRebecca Clarke (b.1886): This talented violist and Pre-Raphaelite beauty was one of the first women ever hired by a professional orchestra, later celebrated for her modernist experimentation.\n\nDorothy Howell (b.1898): A prodigy who shot to fame at the 1919 Proms, her reputation as the 'English Strauss' never dented her modesty; on retirement, she tended Elgar's grave alone.\n\nDoreen Carwithen (b.1922): One of Britain's first woman film composers who scored Elizabeth II's coronation film, her success hid a 20-year affair with her married composition tutor.\n\nIn their time, these women were celebrities. They composed some of the century's most popular music and pioneered creative careers; but today, they are ghostly presences, surviving only as muses and footnotes to male contemporaries like Elgar, Vaughan Williams and Britten - until now.\n\nLeah Broad's magnificent group biography resurrects these forgotten voices, recounting lives of rebellion, heartbreak and ambition, and celebrating their musical masterpieces. Lighting up a panoramic sweep of British history over two World Wars, Quartet revolutionises the canon forever.

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Leah Broad in Libri e riviste

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15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Audition Songs For Men
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9781848424562
Categoria: Libri e riviste

THE GOOD AUDITION GUIDES:\n\nHelping you select and perform the audition piece that is best suited to your performing skills\n\n\n\nIf you're auditioning for a musical – or needing to choose a song to perform for an exam, showcase or drama-school application – it's vital you find a song that shows off your voice and reveals your full potential as both a singer and an actor.\n\n\n\nIn this invaluable book, you'll find comprehensive introductions to fifty of the best songs from musical theatre, for tenor/high baritone and baritone/bass voices, and in a variety of periods, styles, genres and tempos. Each song comes with detailed textual, vocal and musical analysis, and a practical performance guide to ensure you perform it to maximum effect in your own unique way.\n\n\n\nDrawing on his experience as a performer, musical director and teacher at several leading drama schools, Paul Harvard gives his top tips for performing each song, note by note, moment by moment. He also recommends soundtrack recordings to inspire you, and tells you where to find the correct sheet music for your chosen song (please note: the book does not contain the sheet music itself).\n\n\n\nThe selection includes songs from acclaimed contemporary musicals such as Children of Eden and Pippin by Stephen Schwartz, Parade and The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown, as well as Martin Guerre, The Wild Party, Taboo and The Lion King – alongside many much-loved classics like Carousel, Fiddler on the Roof, 42nd Street, Kiss Me, Kate, and six of Sondheim's masterpieces.\n\n\n\nAlso included is an extensive introduction to the process of choosing your song, preparing your performance and approaching the audition itself, along with many vocal and acting exercises to improve your technique and boost your confidence.\n\n\n\n'For anyone wishing to do justice to a musical-theatre role, and definitely for those wishing to work in this genre, this guide is a must' Teaching Drama Magazine on Paul Harvard's bestselling book Acting Through Song

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- Rachel Pollack;nadia Shammas;ivy Noelle Weir -
20.9 EUR 22 EUR
Rachel Pollack;nadia Shammas;ivy Noelle Weir Dead Beats: A Musical Horror Anthology
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Rachel Pollack;nadia Shammas;ivy Noelle Weir
EAN: 9781949518030
Categoria: Libri e riviste

DEAD BEATS is a 168-page anthology of music-themed horror comics stories, ranging in tone from grim to darkly comic but all centering around the curiosities for sale at one peculiar record store. Best described as Tales from the Crypt meets High Fidelity, DEAD BEATS will appeal to fans of classic comics horror anthologies like Vault of Horror, Creepy, and Eerie, and of more modern fare like Flinch. Edited by Eric Palicki (All We Ever Wanted) and Joe Corallo (Ringo Award-winning editor of Mine!), DEAD BEATS features all-new original stories by Magdalene Visaggio (GLAAD award nominee for Kim & Kim, Eisner award nominee for Eternity Girl), Rachel Pollack (Doom Patrol, Arthur C. Clarke award winning novelist of Unquenchable Fire) and Richard Case (Doom Patrol, The Sandman), Vita Ayala (Livewire, James Bond), Daniel Kibblesmith (Santa’s Husband, writer for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert), Ivy Noelle and Steenz (Dwayne McDuffie award-winning creators of Archival Quality), Tony Patrick (Batman and The Signal), Kwanza Osajyefo (Black, Ignited), Sweeney Boo (Eat and Love Yourself, Captain Marvel), Tres Dean (For Your Consideration: Dwayne the Rock), Nadia Shammas (Squire, Care Bears) and many other new and veteran creators.

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Rachel Pollack;nadia Shammas;ivy Noelle Weir in Libri e riviste

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33.71 EUR
Mascotte Green Menthol Filter Cigarette Empty Tubes Best Product Tobacco
Spedizione: 14.05 EUR

Brand: --
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18.99 EUR 19.99 EUR
Status Quo
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9780571529148
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Status Quo (GTAB) contains a selection of the best songs from Status Quo - all of which have become classic hits influencing many current bands and artists including Rockin' All Over The World, Whatever You Want and In The Army Now.\n\n\n\nEach song comes with facts about the music, including other musical influences and political and social events of the time. Arranged for guitar tabulature and vocal with chord boxes and full lyrics.

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in Libri e riviste

- Christian Wiman -
18 EUR 18.95 EUR
Christian Wiman Survival Is A Style: Poems
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Christian Wiman
EAN: 9780374539337
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Named as a 2020 Book of the Year by The Times Literary Supplement \n\nSurvival Is a Style, Christian Wiman's first collection of new poems in six years, may be his best book yet. \n\nHis many readers will recognize the musical and formal variety, the voice that can be tender and funny, credibly mystical and savagely skeptical. But there are many new notes in this collection as well, including a moving elegy to the poet's father, sharp observations and distillations of modern American life, and rangy poems that merge and juxtapose different modes of speech and thought. The cumulative effect is extraordinary. \n\nReading Survival Is a Style, one has the sense one is encountering work that will become a permanent part of American literature.

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Christian Wiman in Libri e riviste

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20.18 EUR 21.24 EUR
Yiruma Solo: Easy
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9780571542987
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Yiruma SOLO: Easy is the authorised collection from the best-selling album SOLO, written and scored by Yiruma for easy piano solo.\n\n\n\nYiruma’s musical journey began at age five, when a fascination with the piano grew into a love for music and composition. Since then, Yiruma’s huge popularity has led to many sold-out performances and award-winning albums around the world. He continues to find inspiration in people around him, and hopes his music can heal, inspire, and remind the audience of love and hope.\n\n\n\n“I have compiled a list of my pieces for solo piano that have existed for a long time. These works were the simplest way of capturing a specific moment and feeling when I wrote them. I would like to share these moments with you now and wish sincerely that my music be a hand to hold along the winding path of life.” - Yiruma

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in Libri e riviste

- Justin Lewis -
20.18 EUR 21.24 EUR
Justin Lewis Don't Stop The Music: A Year Of Pop History, One Day At A Time
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Justin Lewis
EAN: 9781783967162
Categoria: Libri e riviste

‘The deliciously simple conceit — pop facts from every day of the year — lets Lewis roam wide and free, to fascinating effect.’ Daily Mail, 2023’s best history books\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWith entries for every day of the year, ranging from mini-essays to pithy and engaging sentences, Don’t Stop the Music is a novel musical companion – a way of charting your year through the major events and tiny incidents in the lives and careers of pop stars and recording artists.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhether it be when pop became newsworthy; when future stars attended notable gigs; when that K-Pop act issued their first single; or when Elvis Presley found himself on TV singing ‘Hound Dog’ to a basset hound, there are surprising and enlightening events from the history of popular music for every single day of the year. And esteemed music writer Justin Lewis has compiled them all for you, informatively and divertingly.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n***\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n‘A wonderful ride through our pop universe amongst thousands of bright stars, gnarled debris and twinkling nuggets of music and events made distant over time. Lewis has made all of it up-close and vivid through this indispensable companion for anyone who loves music and popular culture. Whatever the age of the reader, it’s brimming with new discoveries and triggering classics: memories and signposts make this an intoxicating music journey!’ Peter Curran\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n‘This is an astonishing book, a calendar of pop, an almanac of songs, a day by day in the life of music. A book of events that’s an event in itself.’ David Quantick\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n‘An absolute must for all music fans, Lewis' addictive volume is packed to the gills with facts, trivia, notable events and pure pop nuggets.’ Waterstones\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n‘A brilliant musical almanac, compiled by an engaging writer whose musical knowledge is not just detailed but wide-ranging and generous.’ Jonathan Coe

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Justin Lewis in Libri e riviste

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19 EUR 20 EUR
Bella Stella. La Musica E L'insegnamento Di Gabriella Bosio
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9788831274937
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Un libro-omaggio a Gabriella Bosio, arpista di fama internazionale, grande innovatrice della didattica dell'arpa per l'infanzia e autrice di best-sellers musicali di musica practica, vista dal mondo musicale italiano e internazionale. Più di un centinaio di importanti testimonianze, ricordi e riflessioni sulla figura di musicista e di didatta anche da parte di ex allievi e di genitori di allievi. Un quadro a tutto tondo della figura di Gabriella Bosio, che ha segnato il modo di suonare e di insegnare l'arpa degli ultimi 40 anni in Italia e all'estero. Prefazione di Letizia Belmondo.

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in Libri e riviste

- Achille Lauro -
12.26 EUR 12.9 EUR
Achille Lauro Sono Io Amleto
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Achille Lauro
EAN: 9788817154765
Categoria: Libri e riviste

La storia egocentrica ed esagerata dell'uomo prima di diventare una rockstar: l'infanzia con un padre violento, l'adolescenza nella periferia romana, la crescita, musicale e personale, in una comune di artisti e quindi le droghe, gli eccessi prima del successo. Da quel bambino silenzioso che sogna di uccidere la Bestia fino a quel giovane uomo che ce l'ha fatta: Achille Lauro ha costruito un impero dalla polvere, ha attraversato l'inferno e ha trovato la sua strada nella musica. Se volete rimettere insieme i pezzi del puzzle Achille Lauro, è con \"Sono io Amleto\" che potrete conoscere la poetica e l'immaginario di un autore a cavallo tra mondo lirico e non convenzionale, attraverso le lucide visioni di un'anima forgiata dalla solitudine, dalla strada, ma soprattutto dal talento.

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Achille Lauro in Libri e riviste

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10.00 EUR
Marillion ‎– The Best Of Both Worlds - 2xcd Eu 1997 - Still Factory Sealed!
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR

Brand: --
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8.75 EUR
Incognito - The Best (2004-2017)
Spedizione: 5.12 EUR

Brand: --
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32.50 EUR
Chiodi Calzature Best Grip Pesca Calzature Con Suole Feltro Wading, Art.3050
Spedizione: 9.50 EUR

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8.99 EUR
Vpn Ip_vanissh Vpn Best For Vpn 1 Anno Best Internet Security One Year
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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8.07 EUR
Best Of Blue Limited - 2 Cd Nuovo
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- Archie Superstars -
16.62 EUR 17.49 EUR
Archie Superstars The Best Of Archie: Musical Madness
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Archie Superstars
EAN: 9781645768630
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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Archie Superstars in Libri e riviste

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10.21 EUR
Supertramp Supertramp - The Very Best Of (cd) Album
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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9.99 EUR
Best Bitter Canediguerra - Bott. 33 Cl Kit 24
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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11.90 EUR
Cd The Best Of Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler Private Investigations
Spedizione: 4.90 EUR

Brand: --
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8.99 EUR
Cd Mina Best Of 2cds
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR

Brand: --
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50.79 EUR
Doctor's Best Nattokinase 2000 Fu, 270 Capsule
Spedizione: 7.99 EUR

Brand: --
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9.99 EUR
Italo Cd Valerie Dore The Best / Greatest Hits & Remixes Incl The Night 2cds
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR

Brand: --
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9.90 EUR
Of Pack Best Choice Collection, Digital Delivery, Nude Girls
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- Hamish Champ -
15.43 EUR 16.24 EUR
Hamish Champ 100 Best Selling Albums Of The 70s
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Hamish Champ
EAN: 9781782746201
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Ever since the birth of rock & roll, popular music has done more to define the spirit of each passing decade than any other form of popular culture. As each new generation has come to embrace new bands and adopted new musical heroes, certain albums have emerged as classics —albums that have come to form an unmistakable soundtrack to the decade. This series is a celebration of this music—of the “must have” albums that everyone once longed to own; the music that each new generation first partied to, fell in love to, tuned in to and turned on to. \nThe 70s saw the last of the Beatles’ album top the charts, along with the close harmonies of the Eagles, the love songs of Fleetwood Mac and Carole King, the pop folk of Cat Stevens and Joni Mitchell, the best work from piano balladeers Elton John and Billy Joel, and hard rock from Led Zeppelin and prog rock from Pink Floyd. But the list of huge names that we have not forgotten goes on: also bestsellers in the decade were Neil Young, Queen, The Who, Michael Jackson, the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, John Denver, Supertramp, James Taylor and Janis Joplin, among many others. \nIn 100 Best Selling Albums of the 70s, each album entry is accompanied by the original sleeve artwork – front and back – and is packed full of facts and recording information, including a complete track listing, musician and production credits, and an authoritative commentary on the record and its place in cultural history. The data is collated from figures provided by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). \nWith vinyl sales at their highest in 25 years, 100 Best Selling Albums of the 70s is an expert celebration of popular music from Rumours to Let It Be, from Dark Side of the Moon to Hotel California, from Saturday Night Fever to Grease.

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Hamish Champ in Libri e riviste

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29.69 EUR 31.25 EUR
The Best Of Jamming!: Selections And Stories From The Fanzine That Grew Up, 1977-86
EAN: 9781913172305
Categoria: Libri e riviste

One of Britain's best-loved and most successful fanzines, Jamming! documented the musical landscape as it evolved between 1977 and 1986.\n\n\n\nFully illustrated throughout, The Best of Jamming! includes numerous stand-out pieces from the zine's impressive 36 issue-run, from early features on The Jam, The Smiths, Run-D.M.C, Cocteau Twins and The Beat, to surprise exclusive interviews with Paul McCartney, U2 and Pete Townshend. Personal letters from Mark E. Smith, Paul Weller and others appear alongside arts, sports and politics features, poetry and a Foreword by Billy Bragg.\n\n\n\n\nHaving guided Jamming! from a 6-page school publication to a nationally distributed monthly, editor Tony Fletcher provides behind-the-scenes insights, while musicians and former contributors reflect on their interviews and Jamming!'s long-lasting influence.\n\n\n\n\nAn immensely evocative read, The Best of Jamming! perfectly encapsulates the excitement and unprecedented potential of the DIY era.

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in Libri e riviste

- -- -
27.19 EUR
Doctor's Best L-teanina Con Suntheanine 150 Mg, 90 Capsule
Spedizione: 7.99 EUR

Brand: --
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